The Beatles made whores for hawking products

The hate in me is swelling. The target this time: Blackberry.

Some trendy guy sings a cover of the song “All You Need Is Love” by the Beatles. Meanwhile, a trendy chick needs to learn how to dance so she can be accepted by her peers. Her need to conform and be cool is apparently very great. So she turns to her Blackberry, of course, which teaches her the hip new moves so people will like her. Finally, true friends!

In other news, David Spade has a new commercial featuring his dead buddy, Chris Farley. I’m no Farley fan, I just didn’t think the guy was funny, but COME ON!!! How tasteless can ya be? Just because you can do a thing doesn’t mean you should. Seriously, I’d like to know who got paid off for selling out Farley.

For another example involving Kurt Cobain, please keep reading after the jump.

Last, but not least, one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century was Kurt Cobain. Just in time for Halloween he has come back from the dead. Now you can use a “fully playable character” of Cobain in the weirdly popular Guitar Hero 5 video game. Courtney Love (how does she get to make this decision) signed over the rights to use Cobain’s likeness. Thanks to her you can now see Cobain singing Flava Flav songs. Creepy!

There can be no respect for the dead as long as there is money to be made.

The guy who originally posted about this on his blog had an awesome YouTube video up that he’d made showing Cobain in a very creepy light in that video game. For some reason, though, the video has been pulled from YouTube. Visitors now see this message: “This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Activision Games Inc.”

Yep, Activision doesn’t want anyone seeing what they did to the memory of Cobain. At least not until they fork over $56.99 (just got this price from

The video that was pulled included the animated Cobain character singing “You Give Love A Bad Name” by Bon Jovi. (That song must have been written for Courtney Love.) Double-pun – oh snap!

Here is my proposal for some updated lyrics to that song:

I thought you were dead, Kurt Cobain
You live on in a video game
A bullet was shot through your brain
You live on in a video game

Rest in peace, Kurt.

3 responses

  1. The first half of this post was awesome, read my mind perfectly, as I watch the Yankees play, here comes Chris Farley, dude I thought you were dead?! Oh, never mind you are, you’re just being exploited by one of your best friends to make a quick buck. AND as a BlackBerry owner I am straight offended that they would stoop so low as to make me think it was a McDonalds commercial all the way up till the logo at the end. (and I’m not offended you quoted me, in fact honored; although I would appreciate a link to my page next time ha)


  2. Hey Tim, thanks for your comments!

    How did I miss the McDonalds commercial angle? Damn, I screwed up badly on that. That was a pop fly and I failed to catch it. Thanks for having my back on that one. 🙂

    In the Black Taco post I did give you linky props. I linked to your follow-up post, not the original post that you had since pulled down, so hopefully it’s all good.


Bringeth forth thy pith and vinegar