I’ll eat my candy with the pork and beans

YouTube wouldn't let me embed and all I got was this stupid tshirtWelcome to this shiny new blog. It’s time to get things going. What’s the lamest and fasted way to chalk up an easy DING! for a blog post? Yep, jam on a YouTube video!

In this case, though, the video I wanted to share has embedding disabled, so I can only provide this sad, solitary, lonely link:

YouTube: Weezer – Pork and Beans

This has got to be one of the coolest songs and coolest videos of all time. So let’s start this blog off right with a lively tune and an entertaining video. It humorously features some of the most famous moments from viral video history.

Oops. I forgot. You probably just clicked that link and aren’t here anymore. Lame. Oh well. I’ll just go on talking to myself.

The song rails against conformity, which is always a theme that resonates with me. I have absolutely no idea what eating candy with pork and beans means, though. The songwriter came up with the song apparently as a mini-protest against Geffen executives who angered him by demanding a more commercial record from Weezer. (This is the same group that did the Happy Days video for the song Buddy Holly that came on the original Windows 95 installation CD-ROM.)

I don’t plan to take the cheap way out and post YouTube videos too often, but I like this song and I thought it would be a nice way to cheat a blog post right out of the gate. In the future I’ll be attempting to blog on a semi-regular basis on a wide variety of topics of interest.

Credit shouts: Tshirt image generated using the Custom TShirt Generator.

6 responses

  1. […] blog was officially launched on 09/24/2009 with a post about eating my candy with pork and beans. By my calculations it took 192.5 days to acheive the 10k mark, which works out to be about 52.0 […]


  2. […] thing started back on September 24, 2009. I launched the blog with a post about the song “Pork and Beans” by Weezer. (Such an awesome song!) That post included one of my memes right of the bat: the […]


  3. If I’d only known you like pork & beans as much as I do I’d have been here sooner. I gots me some reading to do.


    1. Ah, thanks. You know, this blog isn’t exactly my first rodeo. I briefly had another but I stupidly outed myself and voided my carefully crafted house of cards designed to protect my anonymity. So that blog was NUKED and from the rubble the Abyss was born.


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Bringeth forth thy pith and vinegar