My list of top five angry songs

Shouts go out to Jane at Theycallmejane’s Blog for the idea that prompted this post. She recently wrote about the Top 20 Songs Played on her iPod and one of them was an “angry song.” I’ve been thinking about making this list ever since. 🙂

I know it is hard to believe but there are days when I feel angry. Angry! I have a nice sound system in my car, so I roll up the windows (I’m no poser) and pump up the volume. I like a song I can feel pounding in my chest, one that jiggles the world behind me as my rear-view mirror bumps and grinds to the music.

The criteria for this list is simple. The song has to move with a nice up-tempo beat. It has to be a song I already listen to on a regular basis. It has to be a song I really like. It has to have harsh abrasive guitars and heavy bass beats that knock the wind out of me. And it has to be something that really gets me going when I’m angry. Some minor bonus points might also be awarded if the song is extra sick or creepy in some special way.

Picking only five and ranking them is hard. Damn hard. And I know I’m forgetting some. These are simply the ones that came to mind as I sit here knocking back shots of Hornitos Tequila on a Saturday night.

Note: Song information can be clicked to listen on YouTube (where available).

5. Still – Geto Boys
I wouldn’t even know about this song if it wasn’t for the movie “Office Space.” Mike Judge, for that I thank you. The lyrics feature “Die muthafuckas!” ad infinitum and the following little nugget of joy (which guarantees this song instant cult status on my list): “Back up in your ass with the resurrection – Is the group harder than an erection – That shows no affection.”

4. Bodies – Drowning Pool
Just a killer tune. Due to the thumpin’ sounds I was forced to rank it higher than the honorable mentions listed below.

3. Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting – Nickelback
Elton John version? More cute than angry. Nickelback version? Quite nice and one that prompts me to sing along until I damage my vocal chords. Nickelback’s version thrashes better than the original and contains some subtle tweaks to the lyrics that kick it up a notch. “I could use a little muscle to get what I need, I’ll drink a fifth of jack and scream out – She’s with me!” This CD is always in my car so this song gets a lot of play.

2. Killing in the Name Of – Rage Against The Machine
I think it is safe to say any song with 16 or more f-bombs is always going to have a good chance of making the cut. This song brings the f-bombs and so much more. I have mentioned this song in a previous post.

Honorable mention for another Rage Against The Machine song: Wake Up. (This is the song played during the closing credits for The Matrix.)

1. The Game – Disturbed
On another web site we played a little game.  The premise: If you could pick one song to take with you on a deserted island, angry or not, to listen to over and over again, what would it be? This song was my pick. It pretty much has it all – angry lyrics, killer vocals, and it sounds great. I never get tired of it.

Honorable mention for another Disturbed song that almost made the cut: Violence Fetish. (Bring the violence!)

Honorable Mentions
These favorites of mine didn’t make the cut, mostly because they don’t have quite the same edginess or another crucial ingredient, but they still rock. They are listed in no particular order.

20 responses

  1. Thanks for the shout out. Thanks for some new music to check out. And thanks for reminding me of some other “favorite songs” that I haven’t listened to in awhile. (I LOVE Rage Against the Machine). Thunderstruck is one of my favorite “driving songs” and Fake It? There are days when that song could be my theme song. Great list!


  2. Thunderstruck is a great song. I’m sure I can attribute some of my hearing loss to it! I like several of the other songs, too. I’m terrible at knowing the names of songs, so I might have heard some of those I don’t recognize. Anything by Tool is good. I heard Soundgarden is getting back together. If so, happy day!


    1. Tool rocks! They are among the plethora of great angry sounds I forgot about for this list. I’m not sure if they would have cracked the top five, I’ll have to ponder that, but they are still a personal favorite!



  3. mutteringsfromthemoor | Reply

    I have to admit to not knowing any of the songs except one…which is one of my favourite songs of all time…Rage Against the Machine. That album was my “getting ready for a night out” album back in the early 90’s. I was amused to see that it was the chosen song of a Facebook campaign last year to try and keep Simon Cowell’s latest bland X-Factor song off the Christmas number one spot here in the UK. So I duly downloaded it three times and waited with baited breath while they read out the Christmas chart on the radio. And we did it! Rage were number one and they had to play a very edited version of it on the BBC! They did a live performance on another BBC radio channel a few days before and managed to slip in 4 F-words before the producers pulled the plug!! Brilliant! You can find it on youtube if you search for Rage on Radio Five Live.


    1. Hey, nice to see you again! I heard that the song was played in UK stores until enough people complained about the f-bombs and it had to be pulled. 🙂


  4. I’ve always liked Pantera’s “Walk”.

    Bruce Cockburn’s “If I had a rocket launcher” for the lyrics alone:

    If you’ve got the time check out Ras Kass and “Nature of the Threat”. Have the lyrics in front of you while listening because it’s long and intense.

    “Prayer to God” by Shellac. Not work safe. Had a cheating spouse or girlfriend? Then this if for you!

    Static-X – “This Is Not”

    Smashing Pumpkins – “Bullet with Butterfly Wings”

    Killswitch Engage – “Rose Of Sharyn”

    If Shellac wasn’t enough there’s always Eminem’s “Kim”. Yikes! Slightly disturbing. NWS.

    Hole – “Violet”

    Exodus – “Raze”

    Old school maybe Slayer’s “Hell Awaits”

    Well, I’m sure I could think of more but now I’m feeling kind of angry. Maybe I should go beat something up?


  5. the best angry song of all time is Ful Metal Jackoff by Jello Biafra and DOA. Fact.


  6. Yay, a Slayer reference! I gotta say – War Ensemble. The way Tom Araya screams ‘WAR!!!” in that song just rips you apart listening to it.

    I also saw ‘Breed’ by Nirvana. Are you kidding? I would have to say ‘Tourette’s’ or ‘Territorial Pissings’…

    ‘Million You Never Made’ by Ani DiFranco is pretty vitriolic too. As is ‘Death Sex’ by The Distillers.

    I can’t stop! This could go on forever…


    1. I’m loving these choices. 🙂 And yeah, I know this took awhile. 🙂


  7. […] Shouts My list of top five angry songsGuest Blog: Raising the ego bar – a year in reviewHyppo and Critter: Happy New Year!The Golden Poo […]


  8. The Rugburns? You are now my personal hero.


    1. Guru will suffice. 🙂

      I love the Rugburns. I have two CDs by them and I used to see them live at the Blarney Stone Pub in the San Diego area. They were tons of fun to see live in a small venue like that.

      Here’s a couple more Rugburns songs.


  9. […] Shouts My list of top five angry songsThe Most Holy DepressionalHyppo and Critter: Lock the GateSideways 2 – Merlot Strikes BackMe so […]


  10. Though ‘The Game’ is an awesome song, wouldn’t rate it as the angriest one. Check out ‘To hell with good intentions’ by Mclusky. Thieves by Ministry is another song i can think of right now that beats the shit out of The Game.


    1. Thanks. I owe you one! My list clearly sucks. Come to think of it, that’s why I’m so damn angry! 🙂

      I love getting new songs to listen. I hadn’t heard of either of those.

      Is it time for a Top Ten Angry Songs post? I think it’s my most popular post of all time. For some reason, it is something people search for a lot. Wanna collaborate on a new shared post?


      1. Yeah,definitely. I was thinking of making my very own list cause i listen to angry songs throughout the day 😀

        Which genres and bands do you want to include?


  11. I might need to revise this list. I think “Hooker With A Penis” is worthy of consideration.


  12. Drowning Pool is f*cking excellent. Try Kim by Eminem. That song is royally screwed up but he is angry in this video. You gotta love Eminem ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll check it out!


Bringeth forth thy pith and vinegar