Tag Archives: planned

The Scoop of Poop

Source: Rones. OpenClipArt.org.

Source: Rones. OpenClipArt.org.

Somewhere out there, in the world, is a person I hate. I’ve never met this person, but I hate him or her just the same. I do not allow the fact that I don’t know the person’s identity to slow me down.

I know what they did. That’s enough for me.

It all started and ended (literally) when my wife brought home a cat.
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Regurgitated: Chip Clip

We're OpenMore big changes afoot here on the blog. Sundays will now be the official day of regurgitation here in The Abyss. Why have I been building this vast library of content if I don’t get to use it? Thus I will celebrate this treasure trove I have built by delving into the past and cherry picking a long lost gems to see the light of day one more time.

Up first, by request, is a piece entitled Chip Clip: The power to fuck you circa Oct. 11, 2009.

If you’ve ever purchased a product and had it fail during the very first use then you’ll know what I’m talking about. Like a brand new flashlight that breaks on the very first click that never works again. My humble post is an ode to lives never lived. In the unpublished sequel The Lorax and me team up to hunt the manufacturers of Once-ler products wielding axes and chainsaws. Spoiler alert: We never stop at just one.

Now, without further ado, I give you our regurgitated post of the week. Roll the crap. Hopefully the link below won’t break when you click it.

Chip Clip: The power to fuck you

#Awarkward front page caginess at #WSJ

There was something a skosh awkward with the print edition of the Wall Street Journal today (Friday, August 31st). And I’m speaking as a reader of news, not as a forward observer in the partisan wars.

You just know the WSJ wanted to be in on Romney’s big night. It was finally time for the big acceptance speech. No doubt the WSJ wanted it so bad they could taste it.

There was just one wee problem. The event would occur after their print deadline. I’ve seen newspapers in local markets push back deadlines for things like important sporting events in the evening and such. Editorial closes late, which pushed back pre-production, press deadlines and cascades all the way to distribution. The trucks run late. In my experience it takes an edict from the CEO to push back reliability benchmarks on home delivery. It’s a rather big deal.

Apparently the wait time was too long or WSJ doesn’t have such an option. Under the headline “Romney Vows to ‘Restore’ U.S.’ came news “coverage” (air quotes) consisting of several predictions. I guess we could call it a case of “pre-reporting” (air quotes) the news. In that vein the WSJ became the equivalent of a bulletin board system or newsletter.

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Expanding on my aborted comments regarding Planned Parenthood

The other day I provided some “facts” about Planned Parenthood in my rant about Newt Gingrich’s platform. I made two errors in that post. This post is my correction and will also contain just a bit of my personal opinions.

First, I neglected to source the facts I listed. I relied on the Wikipedia: Planned Parenthood page.

The second mistake was accepting at face value one of those facts as provided by Planned Parenthood itself.

Here’s the facts from my original post:

  • Opened in 1916 as the first birth control clinic in the United States.
  • In 1970 President Richard M. Nixon (Republican) signed the Family Planning Services and Population Research Act. This provided government funding to Planned Parenthood. The act had bipartisan support by liberals (who saw it as giving families greater control over their lives) and conservatives (who saw it as a way to keep people off welfare).
  • Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions in the United States, which constitutes about 3% of the health care services it provides.
  • Receives about one-third of its funding from the government.
  • By law does not use any federal funding for abortions.

These facts were prompted by Gingrich’s platform including an item about defunding Planned Parenthood. I shared my opinion that this isn’t exactly one of the leading issues on the minds of voters. Additionally it seeks to undo an Act that was signed by a Republican president with bipartisan support. For that sort of thing I think you should have an argument stronger than, “I wish to use abortion as a divisive issue to make political hay.” Continue reading →