Monthly Archives: April, 2023

ChatGPT does my tarot reading

I asked ChatGPT to perform a tarot reading while concentrating on my career. It was happy to oblige.

Background: I have resigned my current job and will soon be looking for a new one.

Great, let’s see what the tarot cards reveal about the future of your career.

I will do a three-card spread to give you a past, present, and future perspective on your career.

The Past: The Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles represents a time of financial and material abundance. In the context of your career, this card suggests that you have experienced success and financial stability in the past. You may have worked hard to achieve this level of success, and it’s possible that you have enjoyed the fruits of your labor.

The Present: The Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles represents holding on to material possessions and being overly cautious with finances. In the context of your career, this card suggests that you may be feeling stuck or stagnant in your current position. You may be hesitant to take risks or pursue new opportunities for fear of losing what you have.

The Future: The Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords represents new beginnings and mental clarity. In the context of your career, this card suggests that you will have a breakthrough or a new opportunity that will require you to use your intellect and problem-solving skills. This could be a new job offer or a promotion that requires you to take on more responsibility.

Overall, the tarot suggests that you have had success and financial stability in the past, but you may be feeling stagnant in your current position. However, the Ace of Swords in the future position suggests that you will have a breakthrough or a new opportunity that will require you to use your intellect and problem-solving skills. This could be an exciting time for you, and it’s important to remain open to new opportunities and take calculated risks when necessary.

Woke Me Up Before You Go Go

Setting: [Central Perk, where the six friends are seated on the iconic orange sofa.]

Rachel: [scrolling through her phone] Did you guys hear about this new term “woke”? Apparently, it’s like being super aware and conscious of social issues.

Joey: [confused] Wait, so you’re telling me I have to stay awake all the time to be woke?

Monica: [laughing] No, Joey. It means being aware of the injustices in society and actively working to fix them.

Phoebe: [nodding] Yeah, like how I only wear vegan-friendly clothes and never eat meat. I’m woke.

Ross: [sarcastically] Oh, great. So, if I order a pepperoni pizza, I’m suddenly not woke?

Chandler: [jokingly] Yeah, Ross. You’re canceled.

Rachel: [chuckles] I think being woke is more about empathy and understanding towards marginalized communities.

Joey: [still confused] But how can I be woke if I don’t even know what marginalized means?

Monica: [exasperated] Joey, just be a decent human being and treat everyone with respect and equality.

Phoebe: [smiling] Yeah, and if you ever feel lost, just remember: “Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, what are they feeding you?”

Ross: [facepalms] I think we just lost the entire meaning of being woke.

Chandler: [smirking] As usual, we started with good intentions and ended up making a mockery of it.

[The group laughs and continues their coffee break, realizing that sometimes it’s okay to not take themselves too seriously.]

For Those About To Rock

The Angry Rock

Once upon a time, there was an angry rock named Rocky. Rocky was furious with the world because he had been stuck in the same place for centuries. He had watched as the world around him changed and evolved, but he remained the same. He was tired of being overlooked and stepped on, and he was determined to make his presence known.

One day, a group of hikers came along and saw Rocky. They marveled at his size and shape, but they did not understand the anger that boiled within him. They climbed on top of him to take a picture, and Rocky could not take it anymore. He shook and shifted, causing the hikers to lose their balance and fall to the ground. They scurried away, and Rocky was pleased with his newfound power.

The next day, a group of scientists came to study Rocky. They took measurements and samples, but they did not realize the danger they were in. As they drilled into Rocky, he became more and more agitated. Suddenly, he shook violently, causing the scientists to fall into a deep crevasse. They were injured and trapped, and Rocky was pleased with his revenge.

But Rocky’s satisfaction was short-lived. The scientists’ team sent out a rescue party, and they found the trapped scientists. They also discovered the source of the disaster: the angry rock. The rescue party realized that Rocky was a danger to anyone who came near him, and they decided that he needed to be destroyed.

Rocky fought back with all his might, but it was no use. The rescue party had explosives, and they detonated them at the base of Rocky. He crumbled into dust and rubble, and his anger was silenced forever.

In the end, Rocky’s anger had consumed him. He had wanted nothing more than to be noticed and respected, but his actions had led to his demise. His story serves as a reminder that anger can be a dangerous and destructive force, and that it is important to find healthy ways to deal with it.