Daily Archives: January 29th, 2013

If You Could Pee What I Fear

pee-fearI think I shall try my hand and headline writing. Please indulge me for a moment.

Green councilman feels blue, quoted ‘yellow is way to take city out of red to black’

Colorful, ain’t I? This is part of my ongoing coverage to stream news of note.

Out of the Netherlands comes a story about an elected official with a novel way to conserve water: Pee in the shower. Councilor Bert Wassink is a member of the left-wing green party GroenLinks.

Wassink is on a quest to be Number One!

“When you combine showering and peeing and thus saves a lot of water and euros … why not?”
–Bert Wassink

According to Ad.nl, the average person uses 39 litres daily in showering and 36 litres “flushing.” Wassink stressed that saving clean water is good for the environment and also has a financial benefit.

When pressed, Wassink confirmed he engages in the practice, saying, “Yes, I dare quietly admit.”

Weird grammar courtesy of Google Translate.