Daily Archives: January 27th, 2013

Survivor: Abyss Island – Day 15 Immunity Challenge

The challenge course.

The challenging challenge course.

Abyss Island: S1E6 – Nice Cans

Life on the island of late has been pretty good. The spice kit reward has been a tasty boon to my existence and my persistence with the fishing gear finally paid off – I caught a tiny lobster tail!

With my win in this week’s reward challenge I also picked up the second clue to the location of the hidden immunity idol. The clue said something about “stinkin'” and a place where I do my “best thinkin’.” Methinks I should prioritize my search patterns to the bathroom.

On the actual show persnickety survivors start looking for the idol even before they have clues. And somehow, against all odds, there have been times when they’ve been able to find the damn thing even before clues have been released. I smell a rat. (Oh, wait. That was season one.) The producers wouldn’t influence the action, would they?

I can assure you that at least on Abyss Island the producers show no favoritism. It’s sink or swim. Find it your own damn self.

Unlike my televised counterparts, I take a more lackadaisical approach. Even so, I decided to carefully check the bathrooms. I noticed a few things that have been there for years as if seeing them for the very first time. I’d bring them to my wife and say, “This must be the idol!” and she’d heartily laugh at me.

“You’ll know it when you see it,” is the only cryptic response I got. Damn.
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